Triumphant in his new territory, the mighty sorcerer raises his Havok Staff, a mystic weapon portrayed as a long scepter crowned with a ram’s skull, used mainly to cast sorceries and channel his magic. Feared both by his enemies and allies alike, the villain with a muscular body, blue skin and skull face imposes his plans of conquest and power in the desolate Dark Hemisphere of planet Eternia, controlling his domains in the Snake Mountain with iron fist.
Over a base in which pointy rocks emerge from the ground just like serpent fangs, and crevices on the floor draw an intrinsic and complex vascular system of incandescent lava, Iron Studios proudly present their statue “Skeletor - Masters of the Universe - BDS Art Scale 1/10”, with He-Man’s biggest archenemy in a new version for the MOTU collection of statues by Iron Studios, fulfilling the wish of fans and collectors.
Product Features:
Product dimensions: H 27.8cm x W 21.5cm x D 14.3cm
Product Weight: 820g
Triumphant in his new territory, the mighty sorcerer raises his Havok Staff, a mystic weapon portrayed as a long scepter crowned with a ram’s skull, used mainly to cast sorceries and channel his magic. Feared both by his enemies and allies alike, the villain with a muscular body, blue skin and skull face imposes his plans of conquest and power in the desolate Dark Hemisphere of planet Eternia, controlling his domains in the Snake Mountain with iron fist.
Over a base in which pointy rocks emerge from the ground just like serpent fangs, and crevices on the floor draw an intrinsic and complex vascular system of incandescent lava, Iron Studios proudly present their statue “Skeletor - Masters of the Universe - BDS Art Scale 1/10”, with He-Man’s biggest archenemy in a new version for the MOTU collection of statues by Iron Studios, fulfilling the wish of fans and collectors.
Product Features:
Product dimensions: H 27.8cm x W 21.5cm x D 14.3cm
Product Weight: 820g
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