Encased in armor created by the Celestials, Apocalypse uses his mutant ability to shape-shift his fist into a cannon or combat drill. Displaying his power, the first mutant of humanity stands triumphantly on a base mimicking wreckage and pieces of a Sentinel. From Iron Studios latest in their growing X-Men collection comes their Apocalypse Deluxe BDS Art scale 1/10 statue.
Product Features:
Product dimensions: 17.3 in (H) x 12.2 in (W) x 10.2 in (D)
Product Weight: 9 lbs
Encased in armor created by the Celestials, Apocalypse uses his mutant ability to shape-shift his fist into a cannon or combat drill. Displaying his power, the first mutant of humanity stands triumphantly on a base mimicking wreckage and pieces of a Sentinel. From Iron Studios latest in their growing X-Men collection comes their Apocalypse Deluxe BDS Art scale 1/10 statue.
Product Features:
Product dimensions: 17.3 in (H) x 12.2 in (W) x 10.2 in (D)
Product Weight: 9 lbs
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