In collaboration with Zerostar Studios, Koto Inc is releasing their first piece, Batman vs The Joker. In pursuit of Joker, Batman holds Joker by the throat. Despite this threatening act, Joker can't help but to laugh. Situated on a base mimicking a stone gargoyle, this highly detailed piece was sculpted by Keiji Iwakura.
Product Size: 12"
Product Weight: 8lbs
Box Size: 19" x 10" x 21"
In collaboration with Zerostar Studios, Koto Inc is releasing their first piece, Batman vs The Joker. In pursuit of Joker, Batman holds Joker by the throat. Despite this threatening act, Joker can't help but to laugh. Situated on a base mimicking a stone gargoyle, this highly detailed piece was sculpted by Keiji Iwakura.
Product Size: 12"
Product Weight: 8lbs
Box Size: 19" x 10" x 21"
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