In the rustic and dangerous desert planet of Tatooine, on a battlefield in the populated city of Mos Espa controlled by the criminal Hutt Cartel, the old bounty hunter and crime lord, now a Daimyo, a local ruler maintained through the allegiance and tribute of vassals, rides the back of a giant and fearsome bipedal beast, that balances the fight in favor of its master, and under his control, destroys a lethal enemy combat droid. With the wreckage at his feet, the monster holds one of the metallic legs of the machine in his huge left hand and raises with his right hand a soldier of the Pyke Syndicate, which are rivals of his tutor in the underworld. An epic combat set represented in the statue "Boba Fett & Rancor - The Book of Boba Fett - Demi Art Scale 1/20" by Iron Studios, inspired by Chapter 7: In the Name of Honor of The Book of Boba Fett series, a Star Wars Spin-off, the episode was written by Jon Favreau and directed by the legendary Robert Rodriguez, broadcasted on the Streaming Service Disney Plus.

Product Features:

  • Limited edition
  • Materials: Polystone (may contain parts in resin, polystone, PVC, metal and fabric)
  • Hand painted

    Product dimensions: H 38.1cm x 30cm x 32cm
    Product Weight: 6.5kg

    United States ( CONTINENTAL USA ) $FREE

    Canada / ALASKA / HAWAII 

    Australia / New Zealand

    United Kingdom (England & Scotland) $TBD

    South East Asia (MY, INDO, TH, PH, Korea, HK)

    For other countries, message us for a shipping quote

    *Availability dates for pre-order are estimates provided by the manufacturer and are subject to change.

    Iron Studios

    Boba Fett and Rancor Demi Art Scale 1/20

    Clock icon Pre-Order: Estimated to ship Q1 2024*
    Limited icon Edition Size: TBD
    Shipping icon Shipping: Free to the continental United States (Learn More)
    Question Icon What are my Pre-Order Options?


    In the rustic and dangerous desert planet of Tatooine, on a battlefield in the populated city of Mos Espa controlled by the criminal Hutt Cartel, the old bounty hunter and crime lord, now a Daimyo, a local ruler maintained through the allegiance and tribute of vassals, rides the back of a giant and fearsome bipedal beast, that balances the fight in favor of its master, and under his control, destroys a lethal enemy combat droid. With the wreckage at his feet, the monster holds one of the metallic legs of the machine in his huge left hand and raises with his right hand a soldier of the Pyke Syndicate, which are rivals of his tutor in the underworld. An epic combat set represented in the statue "Boba Fett & Rancor - The Book of Boba Fett - Demi Art Scale 1/20" by Iron Studios, inspired by Chapter 7: In the Name of Honor of The Book of Boba Fett series, a Star Wars Spin-off, the episode was written by Jon Favreau and directed by the legendary Robert Rodriguez, broadcasted on the Streaming Service Disney Plus.

    Product Features:

    • Limited edition
    • Materials: Polystone (may contain parts in resin, polystone, PVC, metal and fabric)
    • Hand painted

      Product dimensions: H 38.1cm x 30cm x 32cm
      Product Weight: 6.5kg

      United States ( CONTINENTAL USA ) $FREE

      Canada / ALASKA / HAWAII 

      Australia / New Zealand

      United Kingdom (England & Scotland) $TBD

      South East Asia (MY, INDO, TH, PH, Korea, HK)

      For other countries, message us for a shipping quote

      *Availability dates for pre-order are estimates provided by the manufacturer and are subject to change.

      What are my pre-order options for Boba Fett and Rancor Demi Art Scale 1/20 by Iron Studios?

      • Full Pay: For this option, you are charged in full at time of purchase. Sometimes we will offer a pay in full discount.
      • Deposit (via Shopify): AAn initial deposit is due at time of purchase. When your item is close to shipping, we will send an invoice for the balance and / or shipping through Paypal.
      • Flexpay (via This option allows for automatic monthly payments towards an item. A deposit is due when the order is placed.

      Shipping for Boba Fett and Rancor Demi Art Scale 1/20 by Iron Studios

      FREE SHIPPING TO THE CONTINENTAL USA: This item ships FREE to the lower 48 States. Canada, Hawaii & Alaska will cost extra. All other regions will be billed separately for shipping.