Fighting to liberate parts of Earth from the Muge Zorbados Empire, four soldiers (Shinobu Fujiwara, Sara Yuki, Masato Shikibu and Ryo Shiba) pilot the mecha, Dancouga. Initially, the mecha was four vehicles that could transform into animals, but eventually they combined into the Super Robot, Dancouga. Standing on top of a building, Dancouga is ready for an attack.
Product Specifications:
Product Measurements: 40cm (W) x 45cm (D) x 90cm(H)
Product Weight: 25kg
United States | $300 - $400 |
Canada | $TBD |
Australia / New Zealand | $TBD |
$TBD |
South East Asia (MY, INDO, TH, PH, Korea, HK) | $TBD |
For other countries, message us for a shipping quote
Fighting to liberate parts of Earth from the Muge Zorbados Empire, four soldiers (Shinobu Fujiwara, Sara Yuki, Masato Shikibu and Ryo Shiba) pilot the mecha, Dancouga. Initially, the mecha was four vehicles that could transform into animals, but eventually they combined into the Super Robot, Dancouga. Standing on top of a building, Dancouga is ready for an attack.
Product Specifications:
Product Measurements: 40cm (W) x 45cm (D) x 90cm(H)
Product Weight: 25kg
United States | $300 - $400 |
Canada | $TBD |
Australia / New Zealand | $TBD |
$TBD |
South East Asia (MY, INDO, TH, PH, Korea, HK) | $TBD |
For other countries, message us for a shipping quote
SHIPPING CALCULATED LATER: You will be billed for shipping when this item is ready to ship. Due to unknown box dimensions we can only make an estimate as to what the shipping costs will be.