Legendary writer/artist Frank Miller returned to the world of Batman in 2015 with the Dark Knight III: The Master Race miniseries, teaming up with superstar artist Andy Kubert. Now, Kubert's unique vision of the Dark Knight is rendered in three dimensions as this spectacular miniaturized statue! A limited edition of 5,000 pieces, the DC Comics Designer Series Dark Knight III: The Master Race Batman by Andy Kubert Statue stands about 7-inches tall.
DC Designer Series Dark Knight III Batman Mini-Statue (Andy Kubert) by DC Collectibles
Legendary writer/artist Frank Miller returned to the world of Batman in 2015 with the Dark Knight III: The Master Race miniseries, teaming up with superstar artist Andy Kubert. Now, Kubert's unique vision of the Dark Knight is rendered in three dimensions as this spectacular miniaturized statue! A limited edition of 5,000 pieces, the DC Comics Designer Series Dark Knight III: The Master Race Batman by Andy Kubert Statue stands about 7-inches tall.