From the Dragon Ball Z anime, Ryu Studio presents a battle between Kid Buu and Goku in Super Saiyan 3 mode immortalized in this highly detailed statue. Sculpted by Muhammet Ay, this 1/6 scale piece is limited to 888 pieces. 

Estimated Product Size: H46cm x W24cm x D27cm
Estimated product weight: 9kg

Ryu Studio

Dragonball Z Goku Vs Kid Buu Statue

Limited icon Edition Size: 888
Shipping icon Shipping: Calculated at checkout (Learn More)


From the Dragon Ball Z anime, Ryu Studio presents a battle between Kid Buu and Goku in Super Saiyan 3 mode immortalized in this highly detailed statue. Sculpted by Muhammet Ay, this 1/6 scale piece is limited to 888 pieces. 

Estimated Product Size: H46cm x W24cm x D27cm
Estimated product weight: 9kg


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  • Full Pay: For this option, you are charged in full at time of purchase. Sometimes we will offer a pay in full discount.
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  • Monthly (via Bread): Bread is a way to get your item now but pay it off over time.

Shipping for Dragonball Z Goku Vs Kid Buu Statue by Ryu Studio

SHIPPING CALCULATED AT CHECKOUT: Add your item to the cart to check shipping rates.