Entertainment Earth Exclusive! Princess Diana of Themyscira, as envisioned by world-renowned artist Luis Royo, is brought to breathtaking 3D life by Shin Tanabe in this limited edition Fantasy Figure Gallery DC Comics Collection Wonder Woman Variant Resin Statue - Entertainment Earth Exclusive. With a numbered display plate, art card, and certificate of authenticity, Wonder Woman stands about 12 1/4-inches tall with her Lasso of Truth, indestructible vambraces, and golden tiara. The Entertainment Earth variant version features the Amazon with her shield and sword in her hands, wearing a different outfit that slightly exposes her chiseled midriff. Wonder Woman also sports a different pair of long red-and-silver boots! Ages 15 and up.
The smoke and dust of debris swirl in the air as Wonder Woman slowly rises to her feet. Standing tall and defiant, Princess Diana of Themyscira reaches for her sword and makes her way amid the rubble to once more face her foe.
Please Note: Detach the pommel of the sword to place in Wonder Woman's hand, then reattach.
Entertainment Earth Exclusive! Princess Diana of Themyscira, as envisioned by world-renowned artist Luis Royo, is brought to breathtaking 3D life by Shin Tanabe in this limited edition Fantasy Figure Gallery DC Comics Collection Wonder Woman Variant Resin Statue - Entertainment Earth Exclusive. With a numbered display plate, art card, and certificate of authenticity, Wonder Woman stands about 12 1/4-inches tall with her Lasso of Truth, indestructible vambraces, and golden tiara. The Entertainment Earth variant version features the Amazon with her shield and sword in her hands, wearing a different outfit that slightly exposes her chiseled midriff. Wonder Woman also sports a different pair of long red-and-silver boots! Ages 15 and up.
The smoke and dust of debris swirl in the air as Wonder Woman slowly rises to her feet. Standing tall and defiant, Princess Diana of Themyscira reaches for her sword and makes her way amid the rubble to once more face her foe.
Please Note: Detach the pommel of the sword to place in Wonder Woman's hand, then reattach.