In collaboration with Legendary Beast Studios, XM Studios presents the latest piece in their Prestige Series of Iconic statues, Hulk: Modern. Wearing an enraged expression on his face, the Hulk stands on an intricate base that tells the story of his transformation along with the foes he's faced.
This piece is a regular version, along with Classic, First Appearance, and Grey versions. The Premier Version can also be found here.
NOTE: Estimated ship cost to the CONTIGUOUS US for this item is $300 USD.
Product Size: 71.12 x 50.8 x 99.06 cm
Product Weight: (Estimated) 110kg
Box Size: (Estimated) 80cm x 57cm x 45cm (Box A); 85cm x 85cm x 61cm (Box B)
Shipping Weight: (Estimated) 36kg (Box A); 40kg (Box B)
United States ( CONTINENTAL USA ) | $TBD |
Canada / ALASKA / HAWAII | $TBD |
Australia / New Zealand | $TBD |
$TBD |
United Kingdom (England & Scotland) | $TBD |
South East Asia (MY, INDO, TH, PH, Korea, HK) | $TBD |
For other countries, message us for a shipping quote
In collaboration with Legendary Beast Studios, XM Studios presents the latest piece in their Prestige Series of Iconic statues, Hulk: Modern. Wearing an enraged expression on his face, the Hulk stands on an intricate base that tells the story of his transformation along with the foes he's faced.
This piece is a regular version, along with Classic, First Appearance, and Grey versions. The Premier Version can also be found here.
NOTE: Estimated ship cost to the CONTIGUOUS US for this item is $300 USD.
Product Size: 71.12 x 50.8 x 99.06 cm
Product Weight: (Estimated) 110kg
Box Size: (Estimated) 80cm x 57cm x 45cm (Box A); 85cm x 85cm x 61cm (Box B)
Shipping Weight: (Estimated) 36kg (Box A); 40kg (Box B)
United States ( CONTINENTAL USA ) | $TBD |
Canada / ALASKA / HAWAII | $TBD |
Australia / New Zealand | $TBD |
$TBD |
United Kingdom (England & Scotland) | $TBD |
South East Asia (MY, INDO, TH, PH, Korea, HK) | $TBD |
For other countries, message us for a shipping quote
SHIPPING CALCULATED LATER: You will be billed for shipping when this item is ready to ship. Due to unknown box dimensions we can only make an estimate as to what the shipping costs will be.