Existing as of the most popular shonen manga of its time, Inuyasha transported himself between feudal Japan and present day. From Blitzway, a beautiful representation of Inuyasha's passion and energy adter defeating his first yokai, the Centipede. Emanating from Tetsusaiga, the sword exhibits a force of the sun. Capturing Inuyasha's confidence, his white hair flows as he takes a swing. Standing nearly 28" tall, this piece is a must have for any Inuyasha collector.
Product Features:
Product Dimensions: L 67.3cm x W 52.1cm x H 71.1cm
$689.00 $989 You Save 30% ( $300.00)
Existing as of the most popular shonen manga of its time, Inuyasha transported himself between feudal Japan and present day. From Blitzway, a beautiful representation of Inuyasha's passion and energy adter defeating his first yokai, the Centipede. Emanating from Tetsusaiga, the sword exhibits a force of the sun. Capturing Inuyasha's confidence, his white hair flows as he takes a swing. Standing nearly 28" tall, this piece is a must have for any Inuyasha collector.
Product Features:
Product Dimensions: L 67.3cm x W 52.1cm x H 71.1cm
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