Within the Marvel Multiverse is an alternate Earth designated Earth 2149, which contains alternate versions of Marvel superheroes. In this universe, Earth as we know it has been decimated by a zombie plague. Heroes and villains alike have succumbed and now find themselves united in their desire to consume the living. Even the vicious Venom succumbed to the hunger…
Gentle Giant Ltd. is proud to bring you the next piece in an exciting new Marvel Zombie Villains series, Venom! Sculpted by the master artisans at Gentle Giant Ltd. and cast in high-quality polystone, this disgustingly detailed, hand-painted limited edition mini bust comes individually numbered and is paired with a matching certificate of authenticity. Make Mine Brains Marvel!
Within the Marvel Multiverse is an alternate Earth designated Earth 2149, which contains alternate versions of Marvel superheroes. In this universe, Earth as we know it has been decimated by a zombie plague. Heroes and villains alike have succumbed and now find themselves united in their desire to consume the living. Even the vicious Venom succumbed to the hunger…
Gentle Giant Ltd. is proud to bring you the next piece in an exciting new Marvel Zombie Villains series, Venom! Sculpted by the master artisans at Gentle Giant Ltd. and cast in high-quality polystone, this disgustingly detailed, hand-painted limited edition mini bust comes individually numbered and is paired with a matching certificate of authenticity. Make Mine Brains Marvel!