Based on the seminal Batman: The Animated Series, the Mr. Freeze 1/6 Scale Figure stays true to the animated classic — sculpted to match the iconic style of the show, and with a paint scheme evoking to bold, graphic look of an animated cel.


- Normal Portrait

- Angry Portrait

- Removable Dome

- "Steam" Head Cover

- Freeze Gun

- Freeze Blast

- Frozen Batarang

- Ballerina Snow Globe

- Removable Back Tank

- 9 Different Interchangeable Hands

- Figure Stand

Material: PVC, ABS

Size: Approx. 12.5" in height

Weight: Approx. 6lbs

Artists: Bigshot Toyworks, Ramirez Studios, Jason Wires Productions, Joe Allard



Mr. Freeze 1/6 Scale Figure BTAS - MONDO

Based on the seminal Batman: The Animated Series, the Mr. Freeze 1/6 Scale Figure stays true to the animated classic — sculpted to match the iconic style of the show, and with a paint scheme evoking to bold, graphic look of an animated cel.


- Normal Portrait

- Angry Portrait

- Removable Dome

- "Steam" Head Cover

- Freeze Gun

- Freeze Blast

- Frozen Batarang

- Ballerina Snow Globe

- Removable Back Tank

- 9 Different Interchangeable Hands

- Figure Stand

Material: PVC, ABS

Size: Approx. 12.5" in height

Weight: Approx. 6lbs

Artists: Bigshot Toyworks, Ramirez Studios, Jason Wires Productions, Joe Allard



What are my purchase options for Mr. Freeze 1/6 Scale Figure BTAS - MONDO by Mondo?

  • Full Pay: For this option, you are charged in full at time of purchase. Sometimes we will offer a pay in full discount.
  • Make Best Offer: Name a price.
  • Monthly (via Bread): Bread is a way to get your item now but pay it off over time.

Shipping for Mr. Freeze 1/6 Scale Figure BTAS - MONDO by Mondo