In collaboration with Dodowo, Piji Studio presents the second entry in their Naraka: Bladepoint collection, Tsuchimikado Kurumi. Known as the Flower of the Helioth, she dons an alternate outfit while posed on an ornate platform. Surrounded by architectural elements, she holds an parasol and wears a slight smile.
Materials: PU, Polystone, PVC
Product Size: (Estimated) H 53cm x L 40cm x W 25cm
United States ( CONTINENTAL USA ) | $TBD |
$TBD |
$TBD |
United Kingdom (England & Scotland) | $TBD |
$TBD |
For other countries, message us for a shipping quote
In collaboration with Dodowo, Piji Studio presents the second entry in their Naraka: Bladepoint collection, Tsuchimikado Kurumi. Known as the Flower of the Helioth, she dons an alternate outfit while posed on an ornate platform. Surrounded by architectural elements, she holds an parasol and wears a slight smile.
Materials: PU, Polystone, PVC
Product Size: (Estimated) H 53cm x L 40cm x W 25cm
United States ( CONTINENTAL USA ) | $TBD |
$TBD |
$TBD |
United Kingdom (England & Scotland) | $TBD |
$TBD |
For other countries, message us for a shipping quote
SHIPPING CALCULATED LATER: You will be billed for shipping when this item is ready to ship. Due to unknown box dimensions we can only make an estimate as to what the shipping costs will be.