Taking as reference the historical warriorHattori Hanzō, also known as Hattori Masanari or Hattori Masashige and nicknamed Oni no Hanzō (Demon Hanzō).Leader of the Iga Ninja clan, Hanzo was known as an expert tactician and master of spear fighting.The exploits of Hattori's tales often attribute various supernatural abilities, such as teleportation, psychokinesis, and precognition, and these attributions contribute to his continued role in popular culture.
Taking as reference the historical warriorHattori Hanzō, also known as Hattori Masanari or Hattori Masashige and nicknamed Oni no Hanzō (Demon Hanzō).Leader of the Iga Ninja clan, Hanzo was known as an expert tactician and master of spear fighting.The exploits of Hattori's tales often attribute various supernatural abilities, such as teleportation, psychokinesis, and precognition, and these attributions contribute to his continued role in popular culture.