Ezhobi presents the latest addition to their Omega Beast Series, Shin Godzilla (Furious Red). Inspired by the 2016 film, this piece stands stands nearly 27" tall. Featuring red detailing all throughout, this fearsome creature belts out a roar. Limited to just 300 pieces, this meticulously sculpted Godzilla statue is an excellent addition to any kaiju collection.
Product Size: H 68cm
Ezhobi presents the latest addition to their Omega Beast Series, Shin Godzilla (Furious Red). Inspired by the 2016 film, this piece stands stands nearly 27" tall. Featuring red detailing all throughout, this fearsome creature belts out a roar. Limited to just 300 pieces, this meticulously sculpted Godzilla statue is an excellent addition to any kaiju collection.
Product Size: H 68cm
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