Set in the year 2029, a reboot to the Terminator series. Arnold Schwarzenegger reprises his role as the Terminator T-800, along with Emilia Clarke, Jason Clarke, Jai Courtney, Matt Smith, and J. K. Simmons. The film is scheduled for release by Paramount Pictures on July 1, 2015.
Chronicle Collectibles is proud to announce the Terminator Genisys™ 1:1 Endoskeleton Skull. This is a completely new sculpture and design by Legacy Effects. While it still retains much of the design from the original T-800, this skull is 100% unique to Terminator Genisys™. Legacy Effects designed the new Endoskeleton digitally and printed every part for laser accuracy and proportion.
Our Endoskeleton Skull was cast directly from Legacy Effects’ original molds and set on a museum quality base with lighted eyes. All of the practical Endoskeletons produced for the film were chrome painted and we’ve replicated that paint technique down to the last detail.
The Terminator Genisys Endoskeleton Skull is only available through Chronicle Collectibles in the USA. Please see our complete list of international distributors to find a dealer near you internationally.
Limited Production Worldwide: TBD
Product Details:
Dimensions: 15” tall x 8.5” wide x 10” deep including 2″ base
Manufacturer/Distributor: Toynami
Licensor: Terminator Genisys™ & © 2015 Skydance Productions. All Rights Reserved.
Set in the year 2029, a reboot to the Terminator series. Arnold Schwarzenegger reprises his role as the Terminator T-800, along with Emilia Clarke, Jason Clarke, Jai Courtney, Matt Smith, and J. K. Simmons. The film is scheduled for release by Paramount Pictures on July 1, 2015.
Chronicle Collectibles is proud to announce the Terminator Genisys™ 1:1 Endoskeleton Skull. This is a completely new sculpture and design by Legacy Effects. While it still retains much of the design from the original T-800, this skull is 100% unique to Terminator Genisys™. Legacy Effects designed the new Endoskeleton digitally and printed every part for laser accuracy and proportion.
Our Endoskeleton Skull was cast directly from Legacy Effects’ original molds and set on a museum quality base with lighted eyes. All of the practical Endoskeletons produced for the film were chrome painted and we’ve replicated that paint technique down to the last detail.
The Terminator Genisys Endoskeleton Skull is only available through Chronicle Collectibles in the USA. Please see our complete list of international distributors to find a dealer near you internationally.
Limited Production Worldwide: TBD
Product Details:
Dimensions: 15” tall x 8.5” wide x 10” deep including 2″ base
Manufacturer/Distributor: Toynami
Licensor: Terminator Genisys™ & © 2015 Skydance Productions. All Rights Reserved.