In the third installment of their Crystal Series, TriEagles Studio presents Nina Williams of Tekken 7. In April of 2021, Bandai Namco announced Tekken 7 had sold 7 million copies worldwide. To commemorate this milestone, the Bandai Namco released art on their official Facebook page of all the characters celebrating while dressed in formal wear. For Nina Williams, she was illustrated wearing a purple dress. Inspired by this one-off piece of art, TriEagles is releasing this statue.
Product Specifications:
Product Size: H54cm × W27cm × L26cm
Product Weight: 7.5kg (excluding packaging)
In the third installment of their Crystal Series, TriEagles Studio presents Nina Williams of Tekken 7. In April of 2021, Bandai Namco announced Tekken 7 had sold 7 million copies worldwide. To commemorate this milestone, the Bandai Namco released art on their official Facebook page of all the characters celebrating while dressed in formal wear. For Nina Williams, she was illustrated wearing a purple dress. Inspired by this one-off piece of art, TriEagles is releasing this statue.
Product Specifications:
Product Size: H54cm × W27cm × L26cm
Product Weight: 7.5kg (excluding packaging)
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