In the year 2082, there is an underground society in a dystopian world where an adult entertainment company operates. They created the TGIF cyborg, which are identified by their numbers. Made from a dead burglary victim, it was turned into TGIF No. 2.
In collaboration with Evan Lee and Madology, Queen Studios presents their TGIF No. 2 1/3 Scale Statue. Standing nearly 20" tall, this piece is made of resin. Holding a briefcase, it wears a sailor fuku top. Bright pink hair is accompanied by mechanical insides.
Materials: Resin, PU
Product Size: H 49cm × W 21cm × D 18cm
United States ( CONTINENTAL USA ) | $TBD |
Canada / ALASKA / HAWAII | $TBD |
Australia / New Zealand | $TBD |
$TBD |
United Kingdom (England & Scotland) | $TBD |
South East Asia (MY, INDO, TH, PH, Korea, HK) | $TBD |
For other countries, message us for a shipping quote
In the year 2082, there is an underground society in a dystopian world where an adult entertainment company operates. They created the TGIF cyborg, which are identified by their numbers. Made from a dead burglary victim, it was turned into TGIF No. 2.
In collaboration with Evan Lee and Madology, Queen Studios presents their TGIF No. 2 1/3 Scale Statue. Standing nearly 20" tall, this piece is made of resin. Holding a briefcase, it wears a sailor fuku top. Bright pink hair is accompanied by mechanical insides.
Materials: Resin, PU
Product Size: H 49cm × W 21cm × D 18cm
United States ( CONTINENTAL USA ) | $TBD |
Canada / ALASKA / HAWAII | $TBD |
Australia / New Zealand | $TBD |
$TBD |
United Kingdom (England & Scotland) | $TBD |
South East Asia (MY, INDO, TH, PH, Korea, HK) | $TBD |
For other countries, message us for a shipping quote
SHIPPING CALCULATED LATER: You will be billed for shipping when this item is ready to ship. Due to unknown box dimensions we can only make an estimate as to what the shipping costs will be.