Reimagined for the 21st century, “Amon: The Apocalypse of Devilman” continues the exciting saga of the Japanese legend of Devilman. The classic storyline drastically diverges after Akira’s beloved friend, Miki, is slaughtered by a paranoid crowd of humans hunting humanoids. Instead of battling Satan, in this recounting, Akira is so overcome by grief that the demonic beast finally seizes control over their shared body.

Free of his human host, Amon relentlessly and unrepentantly slaughters every foe and friend in his path. He leaves behind a trail of death and destruction as he seeks revenge against Satan who trapped him in Akira’s body. As the franchise’s first official detailed accounting of Amon’s appearance and previous life, this anime series had a huge impact on the Figurama staff.

Released as a worldwide limited edition, Amon Elite Bust depicts the enormous, red-skinned demon finally emerging from imprisonment to defeat the hero once and for all. The muscles of the mightiest demon warrior ripple with power and his vicious grin shows off a deadly row of pointed fangs.

At 1/4 scale, Amon Elite Bust is designed to complement one of Figurama’s first and most exclusive statues: Devilman vs Amon Elite Exclusive Statue. The pile of skulls and jagged stone composing the pedestal perfectly reflect the motifs used in the base of the original statue. The shockingly gory nature of the story and the heavy price of war between demons and humans are represented by the blood slowly pooling at the base of the bust.

Crafted from polystone, each limited-edition Amon Elite Bust comes packaged with an official Certificate of Authenticity.

Product Specifications:

  • Includes Certificate of Authenticity
  • Materials Polystone, PVC


  • Concept Artist: Daniel Kamarudin
  • 3DArtist: Miguel Leonardo Hernandez
  • Coloring Artist: Three Eyes Studios

Product Size: H31 x W21 x D11cm

United States ( CONTINENTAL USA ) $TBD
Australia / New Zealand
United Kingdom (England & Scotland) $TBD
South East Asia (MY, INDO, TH, PH, Korea, HK)

For other countries, message us for a shipping quote

*Availability dates for pre-order are estimates provided by the manufacturer and are subject to change.


The Apocalypse of Devilman - Amon Elite 1/4 Scale Bust

Clock icon Pre-Order: Estimated to ship Q1 2023*
Limited icon Edition Size: TBD
Shipping icon Shipping: Free to the continental United States (Learn More)
Question Icon What are my Pre-Order Options?


Reimagined for the 21st century, “Amon: The Apocalypse of Devilman” continues the exciting saga of the Japanese legend of Devilman. The classic storyline drastically diverges after Akira’s beloved friend, Miki, is slaughtered by a paranoid crowd of humans hunting humanoids. Instead of battling Satan, in this recounting, Akira is so overcome by grief that the demonic beast finally seizes control over their shared body.

Free of his human host, Amon relentlessly and unrepentantly slaughters every foe and friend in his path. He leaves behind a trail of death and destruction as he seeks revenge against Satan who trapped him in Akira’s body. As the franchise’s first official detailed accounting of Amon’s appearance and previous life, this anime series had a huge impact on the Figurama staff.

Released as a worldwide limited edition, Amon Elite Bust depicts the enormous, red-skinned demon finally emerging from imprisonment to defeat the hero once and for all. The muscles of the mightiest demon warrior ripple with power and his vicious grin shows off a deadly row of pointed fangs.

At 1/4 scale, Amon Elite Bust is designed to complement one of Figurama’s first and most exclusive statues: Devilman vs Amon Elite Exclusive Statue. The pile of skulls and jagged stone composing the pedestal perfectly reflect the motifs used in the base of the original statue. The shockingly gory nature of the story and the heavy price of war between demons and humans are represented by the blood slowly pooling at the base of the bust.

Crafted from polystone, each limited-edition Amon Elite Bust comes packaged with an official Certificate of Authenticity.

Product Specifications:

  • Includes Certificate of Authenticity
  • Materials Polystone, PVC


  • Concept Artist: Daniel Kamarudin
  • 3DArtist: Miguel Leonardo Hernandez
  • Coloring Artist: Three Eyes Studios

Product Size: H31 x W21 x D11cm

United States ( CONTINENTAL USA ) $TBD
Australia / New Zealand
United Kingdom (England & Scotland) $TBD
South East Asia (MY, INDO, TH, PH, Korea, HK)

For other countries, message us for a shipping quote

*Availability dates for pre-order are estimates provided by the manufacturer and are subject to change.

What are my pre-order options for The Apocalypse of Devilman - Amon Elite 1/4 Scale Bust by Figurama?

  • Full Pay: For this option, you are charged in full at time of purchase. Sometimes we will offer a pay in full discount.
  • Deposit (via Shopify): AAn initial deposit is due at time of purchase. When your item is close to shipping, we will send an invoice for the balance and / or shipping through Paypal.
  • Flexpay (via This option allows for automatic monthly payments towards an item. A deposit is due when the order is placed.

Shipping for The Apocalypse of Devilman - Amon Elite 1/4 Scale Bust by Figurama

FREE SHIPPING TO THE CONTINENTAL USA: This item ships FREE to the lower 48 States. Canada, Hawaii & Alaska will cost extra. All other regions will be billed separately for shipping.