From the 1999 animated film "The Iron Giant," here comes a Riobot figure of the giant robot with a heart of gold who befriended the boy Hogarth!  Carefully designed to  reproduce his retro appearance, he's equipped with advanced points of articulation so he's extremely posable and able to adopt all the iconic poses seen in the film -- sitting, lying down, squatting and more!  

Product Features

  • 6.30 inches (16cm)
  • Made of die-cast ABS and PVC
  • Carefully designed to  reproduce his retro appearance
  • Advanced points of articulation for maximum posing

Box Contents

  • Iron Giant figure
  • 4 Pair of hands
  • 2 Heads
  • S mark for chest
  • Replacement tooth


The Iron Giant Riobot Iron Giant Diecast Figure by Sentinel Toys

From the 1999 animated film "The Iron Giant," here comes a Riobot figure of the giant robot with a heart of gold who befriended the boy Hogarth!  Carefully designed to  reproduce his retro appearance, he's equipped with advanced points of articulation so he's extremely posable and able to adopt all the iconic poses seen in the film -- sitting, lying down, squatting and more!  

Product Features

  • 6.30 inches (16cm)
  • Made of die-cast ABS and PVC
  • Carefully designed to  reproduce his retro appearance
  • Advanced points of articulation for maximum posing

Box Contents

  • Iron Giant figure
  • 4 Pair of hands
  • 2 Heads
  • S mark for chest
  • Replacement tooth

What are my purchase options for The Iron Giant Riobot Iron Giant Diecast Figure by Sentinel Toys by Sentinel?

  • Full Pay: For this option, you are charged in full at time of purchase. Sometimes we will offer a pay in full discount.
  • Make Best Offer: Name a price.
  • Monthly (via Bread): Bread is a way to get your item now but pay it off over time.

Shipping for The Iron Giant Riobot Iron Giant Diecast Figure by Sentinel Toys by Sentinel