In Christopher Nolan's The Dark Knight (2008), Heath Ledger's unforgettable performance as an off-kilter, but charming Joker is beloved across Batman and film fans alike. From Infinity Studio comes this amazing life-size bust to relive this iconic Joker. At the base is an LED light, which mimics the Bat Signal. Accessories include his knife and "Joker mask."
Materials: Medical Platinum Silicone, Polystone, Fiber, FabricIn Christopher Nolan's The Dark Knight (2008), Heath Ledger's unforgettable performance as an off-kilter, but charming Joker is beloved across Batman and film fans alike. From Infinity Studio comes this amazing life-size bust to relive this iconic Joker. At the base is an LED light, which mimics the Bat Signal. Accessories include his knife and "Joker mask."
Materials: Medical Platinum Silicone, Polystone, Fiber, FabricSHIPPING CALCULATED LATER: You will be billed for shipping when this item is ready to ship. Due to unknown box dimensions we can only make an estimate as to what the shipping costs will be.