Unique Art Presents their Digimon Adventure - WarGreymon and Taichi "Tai" Kamiya/Taichi Yagami 1/4 Scale Statue. Hailing from the beloved anime series Digimon Adventure, Tai Kamiya is perched atop his Digimon, WarGreymon. Standing over 23" tall, this piece depicts the final form of the Greymon species armor. Beautifully detailed, WarGreymon's armor boasts a metallic finish. With a base representing evolution, WarGreymon is ready for battle.
Materials: Polystone, Polyurethane, ABS, PVC
Product dimensions: L 55cm x W 60cm x H 63 cm
Product Weight: 16.3kg
United States & Canada (ECONOMY)~ | $TBD |
United States & Canada (EXPRESS) | $TBD |
Australia / New Zealand | $TBD |
$TBD |
South East Asia (MY, INDO, TH, PH, Korea, HK) | $TBD |
For other countries, message us for a shipping quote
Unique Art Presents their Digimon Adventure - WarGreymon and Taichi "Tai" Kamiya/Taichi Yagami 1/4 Scale Statue. Hailing from the beloved anime series Digimon Adventure, Tai Kamiya is perched atop his Digimon, WarGreymon. Standing over 23" tall, this piece depicts the final form of the Greymon species armor. Beautifully detailed, WarGreymon's armor boasts a metallic finish. With a base representing evolution, WarGreymon is ready for battle.
Materials: Polystone, Polyurethane, ABS, PVC
Product dimensions: L 55cm x W 60cm x H 63 cm
Product Weight: 16.3kg
United States & Canada (ECONOMY)~ | $TBD |
United States & Canada (EXPRESS) | $TBD |
Australia / New Zealand | $TBD |
$TBD |
South East Asia (MY, INDO, TH, PH, Korea, HK) | $TBD |
For other countries, message us for a shipping quote
SHIPPING CALCULATED LATER: You will be billed for shipping when this item is ready to ship. Due to unknown box dimensions we can only make an estimate as to what the shipping costs will be.