Amuse Studio focuses on collaborative works with various artists. Alongside artist Yea, Amuse presents Windy Desert Traveler. Perched atop a futuristic vehicle, a helmeted young woman rides through the desert with her braids flying behind her. This unique and limited piece is an excellent addition for any statue collection.
Materials: PU, Resin, Metal, LED
Product Size: W 16cm x L 22.3cm x H 28.8cm
Amuse Studio focuses on collaborative works with various artists. Alongside artist Yea, Amuse presents Windy Desert Traveler. Perched atop a futuristic vehicle, a helmeted young woman rides through the desert with her braids flying behind her. This unique and limited piece is an excellent addition for any statue collection.
Materials: PU, Resin, Metal, LED
Product Size: W 16cm x L 22.3cm x H 28.8cm
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