Obscuring his face, his long hair and mask hide his true identity. Carrying the shield of his old friend, Captain America, the Winter Soldier is on guard. On his titanium bionic arm is a soviet red star. Wearing a black suit made of an alloy of Nomex and Kevlar fiber, he carries an arsenal with him.
Product Features:
Product dimensions: 7.9 in (H) x 6.3 in (W) x 5.5 in (D)
Product Weight: 1.5 lbs
Obscuring his face, his long hair and mask hide his true identity. Carrying the shield of his old friend, Captain America, the Winter Soldier is on guard. On his titanium bionic arm is a soviet red star. Wearing a black suit made of an alloy of Nomex and Kevlar fiber, he carries an arsenal with him.
Product Features:
Product dimensions: 7.9 in (H) x 6.3 in (W) x 5.5 in (D)
Product Weight: 1.5 lbs
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