In collaboration with District 4 Studio, Infinity Studio presents their Kurama of the beloved shonen title, Yu Yu Hakusho. Standing around 22" tall, Kurama uses his Demonic Plant Manipulation ability. Posed alongside the dangerous carnivorous plant, this statue is limited to just 400 pieces.

Materials: Resin
Product Size: H 55cm

Infinity Studio

Yu Yu Hakusho - Kurama 1/6 Scale Statue

Limited icon Edition Size: 210
Shipping icon Shipping: Calculated at checkout (Learn More)


In collaboration with District 4 Studio, Infinity Studio presents their Kurama of the beloved shonen title, Yu Yu Hakusho. Standing around 22" tall, Kurama uses his Demonic Plant Manipulation ability. Posed alongside the dangerous carnivorous plant, this statue is limited to just 400 pieces.

Materials: Resin
Product Size: H 55cm


What are my purchase options for Yu Yu Hakusho - Kurama 1/6 Scale Statue by Infinity Studio?

  • Full Pay: For this option, you are charged in full at time of purchase. Sometimes we will offer a pay in full discount.
  • Make Best Offer: Name a price.
  • Monthly (via Bread): Bread is a way to get your item now but pay it off over time.

Shipping for Yu Yu Hakusho - Kurama 1/6 Scale Statue by Infinity Studio

SHIPPING CALCULATED AT CHECKOUT: Add your item to the cart to check shipping rates.