In partnership with Legendary Beast Studios, XM Studios presents the latest addition to their Prestige Series of Iconic statues, Hulk Classic. With an angry look on his face, the Hulk is posed on an ornate base, illustrating the events of his transformation and the enemies he's confronted.

This piece is a regular version, along with Modern, First Appearance, and Grey versions. The Premier Version can also be found here.

NOTE: Estimated ship cost to the CONTIGUOUS US for this item is $300 USD.

Product Size: 71.12cm x 50.8cm x 99.06cm
Est. Product Weight: 110kg

Box A Size: (Estimated) 80cm x 57cm x 45cm
Box A Shipping Weight: (Estimated) 36kg

Box B Size: (Estimated) 85cm x 85cm x 61cm
Box B Shipping Weight: (Estimated) 40kg

*Availability dates for pre-order are estimates provided by the manufacturer and are subject to change.

Legendary Beast Studio

Hulk Retro Prestige Series 1/3 Scale Statue

Clock icon Pre-Order: Estimated to ship Q1 2024 *
Shipping icon Shipping: Due later (Learn More)



In partnership with Legendary Beast Studios, XM Studios presents the latest addition to their Prestige Series of Iconic statues, Hulk Classic. With an angry look on his face, the Hulk is posed on an ornate base, illustrating the events of his transformation and the enemies he's confronted.

This piece is a regular version, along with Modern, First Appearance, and Grey versions. The Premier Version can also be found here.

NOTE: Estimated ship cost to the CONTIGUOUS US for this item is $300 USD.

Product Size: 71.12cm x 50.8cm x 99.06cm
Est. Product Weight: 110kg

Box A Size: (Estimated) 80cm x 57cm x 45cm
Box A Shipping Weight: (Estimated) 36kg

Box B Size: (Estimated) 85cm x 85cm x 61cm
Box B Shipping Weight: (Estimated) 40kg

*Availability dates for pre-order are estimates provided by the manufacturer and are subject to change.

What are my pre-order options for Hulk Retro Prestige Series 1/3 Scale Statue by Legendary Beast Studio?

  • Full Pay: For this option, you are charged in full at time of purchase. Sometimes we will offer a pay in full discount.
  • Deposit (via Shopify): AAn initial deposit is due at time of purchase. When your item is close to shipping, we will send an invoice for the balance and / or shipping through Paypal.
  • Flexpay (via This option allows for automatic monthly payments towards an item. A deposit is due when the order is placed.

Shipping for Hulk Retro Prestige Series 1/3 Scale Statue by Legendary Beast Studio

SHIPPING CALCULATED LATER: You will be billed for shipping when this item is ready to ship. Due to unknown box dimensions we can only make an estimate as to what the shipping costs will be.